Fujairah, located on the shore of the Gulf of Oman and on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula, is in the stage of urban transformation due to the impacts of tourism development. Drawing attention to the natural features of the city such as the sea, the desert and mountains, we proposed a settlement that involves a smooth transition between natural and artificial where the city and the sea meet.

The project area accommodates the functions of touristic and commercial spaces, residences and a hotel. While the 14-storey residential blocks are located at the closest point to the city, we proposed a lowered and fragmented architecture in the areas near to the shore. Commercial spaces on the coastline are integrated with urban life, highlighting open and semi-closed spaces. The hotel and entertainment areas, located at the starting point of the pier, have an architectural language that both engages with water through descending blocks and emphasises the mountain range forming a backdrop to the city.

Project Information

BUILT DATECompetition
CLIENTFujairah Emirate Local Governmnet
SITE AREA210,000 sqm

See Also

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